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Płyn do chłodnic GlycoCool G Premium Kemetyl, typ G11 – 209L

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Płyn do chłodnic GlycoCool G Premium Kemetyl, typ G11 – 209L

High-quality antifreeze based on mono ethylene glycol (MEG). It is hybrid technology, which is a combination of inorganic and organic inhibitors, provides effective protection of engines containing elements made of aluminum. Free of nitrites, phosphates and amines (NAP free).

Suitable for all types of radiators.

Effectively protects the cooling system, prevents overheating, freezing, corrosion and deposit formation in the cooling system. Safe for rubber, plastics and seals. Compatible with hard water.

Meets the following industry standards: AS 2108-2004, JIS K 2234:2206, ASTM D3306, ASTM D4985, BS 6580:2010, AFNOR NF R15-601, SAE J1034, ÖNORM V5123, SANS 1251:2005, China GB 29743-2013.

Mixable with other antifreezes based on mono ethylene glycol (MEG). In the long run, in order to maintain the highest corrosion protection, it is recommended to replace the fluid with a homogeneous one.

Recommended replacement after 3 years of use or as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

Instructions for use

Produkt gotowy do użycia. Nie wymaga rozcieńczenia.

Nie przechowywać w galwanizowanych i ocynkowanych pojemnikach.

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Product code: GBT039

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02-305 Warszawa

(+48) 22 822 5390